For full event details click here.

Provided below are links to certain BAHfest videos so that you may understand how the event works.

Once you've watched these, feel free to watch a lot more videos.

They're worth it.

Here are some theories from last year's participants:

1) The Extra-Terrestrial Elucidation - Aliens transfer vital knowledge to human babies.

2) The Footwrap Disappearace Anomaly Discerned in Decontaminating Centrifugal Gyration Cavities - Why do Socks

    disappear in the Washing Machine?

3) The Phenomenon of Dormancy of Novice's Encephalon during period of Intellectual Enhancement - Why do students

    fall asleep in class?

4) Snowflakes containing Encrypted information.

5) The Hole in the Vada theory.


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