Hunt the Code

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it."

Hunt the code is an offline programming event. which tests your logical, mathematical and basic programming skills. Given the input and output of a program, you have to figure out what the program does.

SCHEDULE: 4th February 2017

PRELIMS: 12:30 - 13:30

Preliminary Round - 60 minutes

A written round comprising of two question sets. Given a program, participants have to analyze and fix it or find out the correct choice. Given a question, participants have to write the answer of that. Questions will be both subjective as well as objective or puzzle type. Questions will test basic analytical, mathematical and programming skills of the participants.


Final Round - 60 minutes

Four problems would be given to the participants, some will be based on single executable file and some will be based on sample input and output. The participants have to write a gcc (/g++) compilable C or C++ program by finding out the correct logic from the executable file or sample input-output.

  • Both round have subjective marking.

  • In Preliminary Round the best (10-15) top scores teams will be selected for final round.

  • In Final Round top 3 teams will be selected as winners based on score and how efficient and optimize code they develop.
  • Each Team can have a maximum of 2 members.

  • Only C and C++ are allowed.

  • 3rd party libraries will not be expected and their usage will not fetch any points.

  • Disassembler tools will not be provided for the final round. Participants have to rely on their analysis skills to reverse-engineer the source code of the given executable file.

  • The results of all rounds are not subject to discussion and the judge's decisions are final.

Janardhan +91 94959 57295

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