Snakes & Ladders


Participate in the life-sized version of the classic board game that everyone’s inevitably played as a child! Roll the colossal dice, and get ready to manoeuvre your way through the map by answering a technical, logical, or general knowledge based question every time you encounter a snake or a ladder.


  • No prior registration is required.
  • Each game has a time limit of 15 minutes, with 2-10 teams playing in each game.
  • Each team consists of 2 players – 1 person to roll the dice, the other to act as the playing piece.
  • The player will be asked a scientific, logical or general question when a snake, ladder or a token question is encountered, the correctness of which will determine their progression.
  • Each even row consists of a magic number. When the participant is at the magic number, they are eligible to do the elevator task which would help them skip an entire row.
  • The difficulty of the questions will increase as the team moves up the board.

  • The first team to reach the end of the board, or the team closest to it at the end of the time limit will be declared the winner.
  • When a team lands on a snake, they have to answer a question whose category will be picked by the next team. A wrong answer would lead to them climbing down the snake and ending up where the snake’s tail ends.
  • When a team lands on a ladder, they get to pick a category of their choosing and answer a question from that category, and they move up the ladder if the question is answered correctly.
  • When a team lands on a magic number (present in every even row) an elevator task will be given to them. For this task, a code for all the alphabets is given beforehand to the teams. Using this key, one member must type out a word - given to them by the event managers – on a set of LED lights for their teammate to find. If the word is found correctly, the team gets to skip the entire row.
  • When a team lands on a token number, they have to answer a question correctly to stand to win any one of these tokens:
    • Token 1 – A question can be replaced.
    • Token 2 – A question can be answered twice.
    • Token 3 – Any other team’s turn can be skipped.

The game can end in two ways:

  • A team can reach the end of the board and is declared the winner.
  • The game might still be incomplete after the time limit (15 minutes) in which case the team closest to the finish line is declared the winner.
  • Event Manager’s decision is final.

Registrations Closed!!


+91 9944350676
+91 9790484403